Job Opportunity - 工作機會
中橙縣華人浸信會是一家位於加州爾灣市的多語言(國語、粵語、英語和青少年)教會。 要了解神過去如何在我們教會作工,請造訪。 由於神的祝福,帶領教會不斷的成長,我們目前正在尋找一位國語事工牧師(向主任牧師匯報)來領導和牧養我們的國語會眾。 如果您覺得神呼召您在這崗位事奉他,請將您的中英文履歷和見證提交至[email protected]。
國語堂牧師將負責牧養及領導國語堂全面性事工發展的工作,培養會眾成為主耶穌基督的門徒,領導國語堂的事工,並與教會其他部門事工配搭, 建立教會。
- 是一位一切以聖經的真理為準則,被聖靈充滿的基督徒,異象與價值觀都與中橙縣華人浸信會相符。 神學立場是和中橙縣華人浸信會及美南浸信會的“浸信會信仰與信息”的教義聲明完全一致。
- 要有來自上帝的明確呼召,有牧者心腸,領導恩賜及團隊合作精神。
- 在認可的神學院完成道學碩士的神學課程。
- 至少有三年在北美洲全職牧會經驗。
- 有健康的家庭關係。如果已婚,配偶及子女都支持牧師的事工。
- 能在一個多種語言,多文化和不同年齡背景會眾環境下工作。必需俱有中國文化背景。能夠提供教牧輔導;若情況需要,能轉介給更資深的輔導員提供諮詢。
- 必須精通國語,包括書寫和交談,並能以英語溝通。
- 必須具備良好的人際關係和溝通技巧。
- 擁有合法身份能夠在北美居留和工作。
透過宣講和教導神的話語來牧養國語堂的成年會衆(18 歲以上) 。通過直接或委派代表來裝備,栽培國語堂的同工,使同工們能發展,策劃,組織,執行, 參與,改善,和評估中橙縣華人浸信會國語堂以下幾方面的事工 (包括但不限於):
週二成人查經班(教導) 成人團契與細胞小組
關懷與家訪 外展和傳福音 宣教
1. 協助兄弟姐妹發展與耶穌的個人關係,引導他們達致靈命更成熟。(以弗所書 4:11-13 )
2. 教導神的旨意(使徒行傳20:27),幫助弟兄姊妹建立一個穩固的聖經基礎和正確的世界觀,以堅定他們的信仰並在真理上扎根為目標,讓他們在生活中榮耀主的名(哥林多前書 10:31)。
3. 制定策略,幫助會眾在生活上操練 CBCCOC 門徒訓練的四個步驟: 連接/成長/事奉/去。
4. 幫助會眾了解他們自己的恩賜和事奉崗位,給他們機會去操練,幫助他們知道神呼召他們在教會事奉的崗位。
5. 明顯地向會眾表示關懷,並在祈禱中記念他們。
6. 與兄弟姊妹建立合宜且持久的良好關係。
7. 與核心團隊緊密合作並關懷各同工,讓他們在事奉當中喜樂倍增。
8. 拜訪國語堂會眾家庭和朋友,特别是在危機時刻,傳福音機會,或跟進新來的朋友。 提供教牧關懷給指定的個人或 是家庭 (執事家庭及教牧關懷名單)。
9. 履行牧者應有的職責,包括洗禮,婚禮,喪禮及葬禮等等。
10. 回應神的大使命,每年可選擇參加為期兩週的短宣。
一, 事工異象/策略:發展和推行事工異象和策略。與主任牧師一起制定國語堂事工的異象與目標,與中橙縣華人浸信會的異象,價值觀和目標相配合。
二, 課程設定:與主日學部長和團契領袖合作去選取,設計和評估國語事工中所使用的有關課程和材料,特別是在聖經教導,敬拜,門徒訓練,事奉,團契,和個人佈道等方面的工作。
三, 同工與事工關係:國語堂牧師直接向主任牧師負責。主任牧師將負責監督,評估,並向人事委員會和執事團隊提供評估報告。國語堂牧師將監督主任牧師指派的同工。國語堂牧師必需與國語堂傳道,國語堂領袖及同工密切協調和執行國語堂事工的運作及活動。 他也必需與其他教牧同工密切合作,讓整個國語堂事工與教會的其他事工配合,並在所有的教會事務中代表國語堂弟兄姐妹們的意願。
四, 會議:參與每週教牧同工會議和祈禱會,每月一次的常務會議,會員月會, 理事會會議 及團契領袖會議。與主任牧師每週會面磋商,報告和討論任何事工相關的問題。
五,財政預算:參與教會的財政預算計劃過程,並與國語堂核心同工配合,準備和管理當年和未來幾年的國語堂事工的財務預算(預算包括國語堂事工開支) 。
六, 辦公時間:至少每週 16 個小時在教會辦公室上班。
七, 個人成長:常常保持受教的心,透過參加聯合會議,研討會,課程,或個人進修,繼續裝備自己。掌握事工趨勢和資訊,提供意見給予國語堂會眾。
Mandarin Ministry Pastor
The Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County is a multi-language (Mandarin, Cantonese, and English & Youth) family-oriented church located in Irvine, CA. To see how God has been working in our church, please visit As God is blessing us with dynamic growth, we are currently seeking a Mandarin Ministry Pastor (reporting to the Senior Pastor) to provide leadership and shepherding to our Mandarin-speaking congregation. If you sense God’s calling to serve Him in this capacity, please submit your resume and testimony in both English and Chinese to [email protected].
Ministry Focus
The Mandarin Ministry Pastor will provide pastoral leadership to develop and shepherd a comprehensive ministry for our Mandarin-speaking congregation that will train up disciples of Christ, and integrate all the ministry programs into the overall Church body.
A. Shall be a Biblically based, spirit-filled Christian, ascribing to the vision and values of the Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County. The theological position is consistent with the doctrinal statement of CBCCOC and “The Baptist Faith and Message” of the Southern Baptist Convention.
B. Shall have a clear calling from God with a pastoral heart, leadership gift, and a teamwork spirit.
C. Shall have completed seminary training with a Master of Divinity Degree (M. Div.) at an accredited seminary.
D. Shall have at least three years of experience working full-time in a ministerial role at a church in North America.
E. Shall maintain healthy family relationships. If married, the spouse and/or children are supportive of the pastor’s ministry.
F. Shall be able to work within a multi-language, multi-cultural, and multi-congregational environment. Experience with and understanding of Chinese culture is required. Is able to give counsel or to direct to others more qualified to provide counsel.
G. Must be proficient in Mandarin, both written and oral, and able to communicate in English.
H. Must possess good interpersonal and communication skills.
I. Must be legally able to work and reside in the USA.
Principal Duties
Nurture the Mandarin Adults (18 years and older) through regular preaching and teaching God’s word. Directly administer or by delegated oversight, equip and assist Mandarin Ministry volunteers in developing, planning, conducting, organizing, evolving, and evaluating the following areas of ministries at CBCCOC including (but not limited to):
Adult Worship (Preaching)
Adult Sunday School (Teaching)
Adult Tuesday Bible Study (Teaching)
Adult Fellowships and Cell Groups
Discipleship Training
Caring and Visitation
Outreach and Evangelism
Pastoral Responsibilities
1. Assist brothers and sisters to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, leading to spiritual maturity (Ephesians 4:11-13).
2. Teach the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27) so that our people will develop a solid Biblical foundation and worldview, with the goal of firmly grounding them in the truth so that they will live to glorify the Lord. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
3. Develop a strategy to assist our people in living their lives aligned with the four steps of our CBCCOC Discipleship Process, i.e. Connect/Grow/Serve/ Go.
4. Assist our people to discover their gifting and place within the Church and give opportunities for them to practice and begin to discover their calling to serve within the larger church body.
5. Be a visible support to our people whenever possible and also to support them in prayer.
6. Form lasting appropriate relationships with brothers and sisters.
7. Work closely with and care for the Core Team members so that their joy of serving would increase.
8. Visit with families and friends from the Mandarin Congregation, especially in times of crisis, evangelistic opportunities, or to follow up with new visitors. Provide pastoral care to designated individuals and families (Deacon Family and Pastoral Caring List).
9. Provide pastor-related services such as baptisms, officiating weddings, and funerals, etc.
10. Support the Great Commission by participating in an optional two-week short-term mission trip on a yearly basis.
Administrative Responsibilities
1. Ministry Vision/Strategy
Develop and implement ministry vision and strategy. Work with the Senior Pastor to set vision and goals for the Mandarin Ministry, which would be in alignment with the church’s vision, values, and goals.
2. Curriculum
Work with the Sunday School Director and Fellowship Leaders to obtain, develop, or review all curricula used in Mandarin Ministry, particularly in the areas of Bible teaching, worship, discipleship, service, fellowship, and personal evangelism.
3. Staff and Ministry Relationship
The Mandarin Ministry Pastor is responsible to the Senior Pastor, who will supervise, evaluate, and provide a report of evaluation to the Personnel Committee and the Deacon Body. The Mandarin Ministry Pastor will supervise staff members assigned by the Senior Pastor. He will work closely with the Mandarin Minister, Mandarin Ministry leadership, and coworkers in the coordination and execution of all Mandarin Ministry functions and activities. He will also work closely with the entire pastoral staff to align the Mandarin Ministry with all the other ministries of the Church, and, in all Church matters, to represent the interests of the Mandarin-speaking brothers and sisters.
4. Meetings
Represent Mandarin Ministry at weekly pastoral staff meetings, weekly prayer meetings, monthly business meetings, Church Council, Church Board, and Fellowship Leaders meetings. Meet with the Senior Pastor weekly to consult, inform, and discuss any ministry-related issues.
5. Budget
Participate in the church’s budget planning process and coordinate with the Mandarin Core Team to prepare and manage the Mandarin Ministry budget for current and upcoming years (the budget includes expenses for the Mandarin Ministry programs).
6. Office Hours
Devote a minimum of 16 hours in the church office.
7. Personal Growth
Continue to grow and develop with a teachable spirit through attending conferences, seminars, classes, or through personal study. Keep abreast of ministry trends and resources in order to serve as an advisor to the Mandarin Congregation.
Ministry Focus
The Youth Assistant Pastor will provide pastoral leadership to develop and shepherd a comprehensive Youth
Ministry (Grades 7 – 12) that will train up disciples of Christ, integrating them into the overall Church body, and
assist parents to be the primary disciples of their children.
Staff Relationship
The Youth Assistant Pastor is accountable to the Senior Pastor, who will supervise, evaluate, and provide a
report of evaluation to the Deacon Body and the Personnel Committee. The Youth Assistant Pastor will also
work with the entire pastoral staff to align the Youth Ministry with all the other ministries of the Church, and,
in all Church matters, to represent the interests of the youth and their families.
A. Shall have a clear calling from God with a pastoral heart, leadership gift, and a teamwork spirit.
B. Shall be a Biblically-based, spirit-filled Christian, ascribing to the vision and values of Chinese Baptist
Church of Central Orange County, whose theological position is consistent with the doctrinal statement of
CBCCOC and Southern Baptist’s “The Baptist Faith and Message.”
C. Shall have completed seminary training with a Master of Divinity Degree at an accredited seminary, or
equivalent (e.g., a Master's Degree in Christian Education with three years’ experience in pastoral ministry).
D. Shall have at least three years of experience working with youths in a lay or ministerial role at a church in
North America.
E. Shall maintain healthy family relationships. If married, the spouse and/or children are supportive of the
pastor’s ministry.
F. Shall be able to work within a multi-language, multi-cultural, and multi-congregational environment. Work
with parents to support the spiritual growth of youths and provide counseling to parents as needed. Is able to
provide pastoral counseling to the youth or to direct them to other more qualified counselors.
G. Must be proficient in English, both written and oral.
H. Must possess good interpersonal and communication skills.
I. Must be legally able to work and reside in the USA.
Principal Duties
Nurture the youth through regular preaching and teaching God’s word. Directly administer or by delegated
oversight, equip and assist Youth Ministry volunteers in developing, planning, conducting, organizing, and
evaluating the following youth ministries at CBCCOC including (but not limited to):
Jr. High: Sunday School, Fellowship, and Worship Service (work with English Assistant Pastor to coordinate
worship and sermon series). Church Training: Youth Bible Drill, Youth Worship Band class. Life Skills class.
High School: Sunday School, Fellowship, and Worship Service (work with English Assistant Pastor to
coordinate worship and sermon series). Church Training: Youth Speech Tournament, Youth Worship Band
class. Life Skills class.
Youth Ministry Special Events: Special events for youth, Youth Retreat, High School Valentine’s formal, Youth
Thanksgiving program, Youth Christmas program, and Mission/Outreach activities.
Youth Ministry Special Programs: Special programs for youth that parallel the Church’s special programs,
including Good Friday, Easter, Thanksgiving, Church Retreat, and programs designed specifically for youth and
their families (Parents Appreciation Nights).
Other Duties: As assigned by Supervisor.
Administrative Responsibilities
1. Ministry Vision/Strategy: Develop and implement ministry vision and strategy. Work with the Senior
Pastor to set Youth Ministry’s vision and goals, in alignment with the Church’s vision, values, and goals.
2. Curriculum: Obtain, develop, or review all curricula used in Youth Ministry, particularly in the areas of
Bible teaching, worship, discipleship, service, fellowship, and personal evangelism.
3. Staffing: Recruit, train, coordinate, and oversee the leadership team and workers in Youth Ministry.
Oversee the Youth Ministry Core Team and counselors.
4. Meetings: Represent youth and their families at weekly pastoral staff meetings, weekly prayer
meetings, monthly business meetings, Church Council and Fellowship Leaders meetings.
5. Pastoral Care: Visit with the youth and their families, especially in times of crises, evangelistic
opportunities, or to follow up with new visitors. Provide pastoral care to designated individuals and
families (Deacon Family List).
6. Budget: By participating in the Church’s budget planning process, prepare and manage the Youth
Ministry budget for current and upcoming. Oversee any fund-raising events related to the Youth
7. Child Safety Policy: Implement and manage a Children/Youth Safety policy that will define
appropriate guidelines for the Youth Ministry programs and for workers that serve in the Youth
Ministry, to ensure the safety and security of the youth and to protect our Church.
8. Office Hours: Devote a minimum of 16 hours in the Church office.
9. Personal Growth: Continue to grow and develop with a teachable spirit through attending
conferences, seminars, classes, or through personal study. Keep abreast of youth’s trends and
resources in order to serve as an advisor to the Church on teen and adolescent development.
Responsibilities to the Youths
1. Assist youth to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, leading to experiential knowledge of God
(Psalm 78:3-4) and to help them grow in “wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52).
2. Teach the Bible in developmentally appropriate ways so that our youth will develop a solid Biblical
foundation and worldview, with the goal of firmly grounding them in the truth so that they will pass on
their faith in the next generation (Psalm 78:6)
3. Develop a strategy to assist youth in living their lives aligned with the five purposes of leading a life of
worship, service, evangelism, discipleship, and in fellowship.
4. Assist the youth to discover their gifting and place within the Church, and give opportunities for them
to practice and begin to discover their calling to serve within the larger Church body.
5. Be a visible support to the youths and their parents whenever possible and also support them in
6. Form lasting appropriate relationships with the youths.
Responsibilities to the Parents
1. Partner with parents and the Church to support and equip parents in fulfilling their role as the primary
spiritual leader and teacher of their youth.
2. Encourage and support parents in their parenting responsibilities by giving counsel when able or by
directing them, when necessary, to more qualified advisors.
3. Provide training and instruction toward addressing parenting issues and the physical and spiritual
growth of youths.
If you sense God’s calling to serve Him in this capacity, please submit your resume, testimony, and CV to [email protected].
中橙縣華人浸信會是一家位於加州爾灣市的多語言(國語、粵語、英語和青少年)教會。 要了解神過去如何在我們教會作工,請造訪。 由於神的祝福,帶領教會不斷的成長,我們目前正在尋找一位國語堂傳道(向主任牧師匯報)。如果您覺得神呼召您在這崗位事奉他,請將您的中英文履歷和見證提交 [email protected]。
國語堂傳道將協助國語堂牧師帶領國語堂作全面性的發展事工,牧養會眾成為主耶穌基督的門徒,並與教會其他教牧、同工配搭, 建立多文化、多語言的教會。
- 是一位以聖經的真理為準則,被聖靈充滿的基督徒。其異象與價值觀都與中橙縣華人浸信會相符。 神學立場與中橙縣華人浸信會及美南浸信會的“浸信會信仰與信息”的教義完全一致。
- 要有來自上帝的呼召,有牧者心腸,領導恩賜及團隊合作精神。
C. 在認可的神學院完成道學碩士的神學課程,並有至少一年牧會經驗。
D. 有健康的家庭關係。如果已婚,配偶及子女都支持傳道的事工。
E. 能在一個多種語言,多文化會合不同年齡背景會眾環境下工作。必需俱有中國文化背景。能夠提供教牧輔導;若情況需要,能轉介給更資深的輔導員提供質詢l - 必須精通國語,包括書寫和交談,並能以英語溝通。
G. 必須具備良好的人際關係和溝通技巧。 - 擁有合法身分,能夠在北美居留和工作。
一、 事工異象/策略:協助國語堂牧師一起制定國語堂事工的異象與目標。
二、 課程設定:協助主日學校長、團契領袖挑選、或評估所使用的有關課程和材料。
三、 會議:參與每週教牧同工會議和禱告會、每月一次的常務會議,會員月會, 及團契領袖會議。與國語堂牧師每週會面磋商、報告和討論任何事工相關的問題。
四、 教牧關懷:探訪由國語堂牧師指定的家庭或親友,尤其在他們有困難的時候,把握傳福音的機會,和跟進新朋友。提供教牧關懷與輔導,無論是個人或家庭(執事家庭列表) 。
五、 財政預算:參與教會的財政預算程序,提供並管理當年和未來幾年所指派團契的財政預算(包括各項節目開銷) 。
六、 辦公時間:至少每週 16 個小時在教會辦公室上班。
七、 個人成長:常常保持受教的心,透過參加聯合會議,研討會,課程,或個人進修,繼續裝備自己。
一、 在指派的團契裡,教導弟兄姐妹如何建立個人與耶穌的關係,幫助他們靈命更成熟(以弗所書 4:11-13 ) 。
二、 以神的話語,來堅固弟兄姊妹的聖經基礎和正確的世界觀。堅定他們的信仰並在真理上扎根,使他們在生活中榮耀主的名。 (哥林多前書 10:31 )
三、 制定策略,幫助會眾在生活上操練 CBCCOC 門徒訓練的四個要點: 連接/成長/事奉/去。
四、 幫助會眾了解他們自己的恩賜和事奉崗位,給他們機會去操練,好叫他們知道自己在教會肢體中的呼召。
五、 親切地向會眾表示關懷,並在禱告中記念他們。
六、 與弟兄姊妹建立合宜且持久的良好關係。
七、 與教牧同工合作發展校園與社區外展事工。
Mandarin Functional Minister
The Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County is a multi-language (Mandarin, Cantonese and English & Youth) family-oriented church located in Irvine, CA. To see how God has been working in our church, please visit As God is blessings us with dynamic growth, we are currently seeking a Mandarin Minister (reporting to the Senior Pastor). If you sense God’s calling to serve Him in this capacity, please submit your resume and testimony in both English and Chinese to [email protected].
Ministry Focus
The Mandarin Functional Minister will assist the Mandarin Pastor to develop and shepherd a comprehensive ministry for our Mandarin-Speaking congregation that will train up disciples of Christ, integrate all the ministry programs into the overall Church body.
Staff Relationship
The Mandarin Functional Minister is responsible to the Senior Pastor, who will supervise, evaluate and provide a report of evaluation to the Personnel Committee and the Deacon Body. The Mandarin Functional Minister will also work with the pastoral staff to support primarily the Mandarin Ministry in coordination with all the other ministries of the Church.
- Shall be a Biblically-based, spirit-filled Christian, ascribing to the vision and values of the Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County. The theological position is consistent with the doctrinal statement of CBCCOC and “The Baptist Faith and Message” of the Southern Baptist Convention.
- Shall have a clear calling from God and a pastoral heart, leadership gift and a teamwork spirit.
- Shall have completed seminary training with a Master of Divinity Degree (M. Div.) at an accredited seminary, or equivalent with at least one year experience in pastoral ministry.
- Shall maintain healthy family relationships. If married, spouse and/or children are supportive of the minister’s ministry.
- Shall be able to work within a multi-language, multi-cultural, and multi-congregational environment. Experience with and understanding of Chinese culture is required. Is able to give counsel or to direct to others more qualified to provide counsel.
- Must be proficient in Mandarin both written and oral, and able to communicate in English.
- Must possess good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Must be legally able to work and reside in the USA.
Principal Duties
Nurture the Mandarin speaking congregation, through regular preaching and teaching God’s word. Directly administer or by delegated oversight, equip and assist Mandarin Ministry volunteers in developing, planning, conducting, organizing, evolving, and evaluating the following areas of ministries at CBCCOC including (but not limited to):
Adult Worship (Preaching)
Adult Sunday School (Teaching)
Tuesday Adult Bible Study
Adult Fellowships and cell groups
Caring and Visitation
Outreach and Evangelism
Administrative Responsibilities
- Ministry Vision/Strategy: Assist the Mandarin Pastor to set vision and goals for the Mandarin Ministry, which would be in alignment with the church’s vision, values, and goals.
- Curriculum: Assist the Sunday School Director and Fellowship Leaders to obtain, develop, or review all curricula used in Mandarin Ministry, particularly in the areas of Bible teaching, worship, discipleship, service, fellowship, and personal evangelism.
- Meetings: participate at weekly pastoral staff meetings, weekly prayer meetings, monthly Business Meetings, Church Council and Fellowship Leaders meetings. Meet with the Mandarin Pastor weekly to consult, inform and discuss any ministry-related issues.
- Pastoral Care: Visit with families and friends assigned by the Mandarin Pastor from the Mandarin Congregation, especially in times of crises, evangelistic opportunities, or to follow up with new visitors. Provide pastoral care to designated individuals and families (Deacon Family List).
- Budget: By participating in the church’s budget planning process, prepare and manage the designated fellowship budget for current and upcoming years.
- Office Hours: Devote a minimum of 16 hours per week in the church office.
- Personal Growth: Continue to grow and develop with a teachable spirit through attending conferences, seminars, classes, or through personal study. Keep abreast of ministry trends and resources in order to serve the Mandarin.
- Support the Great Commission by participating in an optional two-week short-term mission trip on a yearly basis.
Ministerial Responsibilities
- Assist brothers and sisters (within designated fellowship groups) to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, leading to spiritual maturity (Ephesians 4:11-13) through discipleship training.
- Teach the whole counsel of God so that our people will develop a solid Biblical foundation and worldview, with the goal of firmly grounding them in the truth so that they will live to glorify the Lord. (1 Corinthians 10:31).
- Participate in the development of strategy to assist our people in living their lives aligned with the four steps of our CBCCOC Discipleship Process, i.e. Connect/Grow/Serve/ Go.
- Assist our people to discover their gifting and place within the church, and give opportunities for them to practice and begin to discover their calling to serve within the larger church body.
- Be a visible support to our people whenever possible and also support them in prayer.
- Form lasting appropriate relationships with brothers and sisters.
- Work with the Pastoral Staff in developing campus and community outreach ministries.