Welcome to our Children's Ministry
Our vision is to grow kid disciples, who will love the Lord, serve Him in a local church and will grow to make more disciples. We believe they are the church of today and we train and equip our kids as today’s Kingdom members.

AWANA Registration

Pastor Mike Liang
[email protected]
Minister Ruby Fung
[email protected]
Jesus became wise and he grew strong. God was pleased with him and so were the people. Luke 2:52
Our Goal:
CBCKidz exists to develop disciples of Christ who are connected leaders through growing in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. We offer a full discipleship program from growing in favor with God through Worship to growing in wisdom through learning God's Word in Sunday School, and to growing in favor with man by practicing loving one another in Fellowship. All these programs are conducted at developmentally appropriate levels from preschool (3-year-olds) to 6th graders. Wanting to equip the next generation, we also offer Kidlead Christian Leadership training, Bible Drill, and many seasonal special events. Come and join in the fun and fellowship!
Sunday Worships:
Our Sunday programs are designed to help our kids Grow in Wisdom, by learning how to live His way. We start with Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. for 3-year-old to 6th graders. Our classes are grouped by age or grade, including our Bible Drill class for preteens. Kidz Worship follows at 10:45 a.m. We want our kids to grow a personal relationship with God that starts with worship, recognizing Who He is and What He has done for them. We have two worship services: PreK/Transitional K and Kinder to 6th graders. Our kids will grow in favor of God when they faithfully worship Him. 5th Sunday is Family Worship Day. Parents are invited to join their kids for worship! Sunday afternoons, during the school year, we have discipleship/student leadership meetings and training for Preteens to equip them ready to serve the Lord."
Friday Night:
The 2nd and 4th Friday nights of each month are set aside to help our kids grow in Favor with People. They learn how to make friends, care for each other, and strengthen their social skills in our group setting.
Awana Clubs:
AWANA is our club for Kinders through 3rd graders. We start with recitation time, as well as work on Bible memory. Then we divide in half and enjoy either group game time or Bible Study, before we wrap up all together with refreshments. All AWANA parents are encouraged to participate in the growth of their children's spiritual growth. They are required to assist in AWANA five (5) times during the school year.
J12 is our preteen fellowship for those in 4th-6th grade. Each time we have games, topical Bible Study, and small group discussion and prayer. Our goal is to help or preteens learn to fellowship, to meet each other’s needs by loving and befriending each other.
Using Kidlead, the nation’s premier leadership training program for preteens, we seek to fulfill our mission of growing connected leaders. We meet monthly, from September to May to train in organizational leadership. Enrollment is open from July to August for 5th and 6th graders.

Pastor Mike Liang
Pastor Mike joined the Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County (CBCCOC) in July of 2021 as the Children’s Assistant Pastor. He was born in Minneapolis, MN, lived in many Midwest cities, and graduated from Moody Theological Seminary with a Master's Degree in Biblical Studies.
He has served 15+ years as a Children's & Youth Pastor at Pittsburgh Chinese Church Oakland, a Preacher at the Northwest Suburban Chinese Christian Church, and a Youth Director at the Living Water Evangelical Church.
His vision and belief are that God has given parents the primary responsibility to nurture their children in the Christian faith. This is both a wonderful opportunity and an important responsibility. He desires to come alongside the parents to support and equip their children in laying a firm foundation of faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ.
His mission is to help provide a deeper faith in the Children not only to just accept Christ into their hearts, soul, and mind as their Savior, but as their Lord. Secondly, he wants children/youth to love and obey God’s Word (not out of legality or pleasing parents, but worship, pleasing God).
Pastor Mike is married to his beautiful wife Jeanne and has a lovely young daughter Madeleine.
Minister Ruby Fung
Auntie Ruby was born and raised in Hong Kong. She became a Christian in her high school year! Since then, she has grown in faith in the Bethlehem Church of Hope Mission and served actively in the youth ministry. While she was in her post-graduate study in Melbourne, Australia, God impressed in her heart through Romans 10:15 that "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" She prayed to God to devote her life to serving HIM full-time as a minister of His Gospel in 1992. Finally, in 1998, God opened the door for her to go to Talbot School of Theology to pursue her M. Divinity (majoring in Evangelism & Discipleship). She graduated in 2001 and started serving as the full-time English minister in 2002 at Irvine First Chinese Baptist Church. After becoming a wife and a mother, she switched to be the Children's Minister (part-time) in 2005 till January 2018.
As a children's minister, she is devoted to ministering to the children's workers as well as the children's parents to co-work as a team to help the children to know and love Christ and to be His faithful followers. Her motto is "All by His Grace and All for this Glory!" She loves to eat and share life stories with families & friends and enjoys swimming, biking, traveling, and other outdoor activities! Ruby and her husband Edmond, have 2 Children (Ryan & Ella).